Setting Goals and Sticking to Them!

Happy Monday! Goal setting is a big trend amongst bloggers, I’ve decided to hop onto the bandwagon. My goals will include my aspirations for this blog as well as my life outside of blogging. Here are some of the goals I’ve set for myself for the week of 8/10:

  1. Blog on this site at least once a week. Here’s hoping I find inspiration weekly. I find that personal blogging can become redundant. I also fear becoming one of those female bloggers that constantly blogs about her feelings or a relationship. Not that there is anything wrong with blogging about relationships but it wouldn’t be a challenge for me and it has the possibility of becoming stale.
  2. Blog on Some Like It Thrift twice a week. Consistent fresh content in blogging, especially style blogging, is imperative. This goal might be a tad bit tricky this week as
  3. Teach myself origami. This has been a goal of mine for some time now. Now is as good a time as any to tackle it. It should be noted that this goal was on my list last week and I failed to accomplish it. Considering YouTube is just a few clicks away, I should have no problem with this one. Should being the operative word. Check in next week to see if I’ve kept my word or not.
  4. Have lunch with my girlfriends. If you’ve read my post on ‘How to Date Yourself‘ you’ll recognize this goal. Meeting up with your girlfriends at least once a week is important if you’re single or in a relationship. Our friends give us something that our boyfriends simply can’t. We can truly be ourselves around our honorary sisters. I encourage all young women to make and maintain solid female friendships!

I’m keeping my goal list short this week so as not to over do it. The shorter the list, the more likely I am to achieve the goals I set. As time goes on I will set more goals for myself. Till next time, JasmineSkyy \